Don’t Forget To Breathe

Today is the 5th day on my workout road and I am taking it as a rest day. Rest days are just as important as workout day I feel. Today is a day that my body needs so it can process and think about what it has been working on. The stomach muscles it has been using, the leg muscles that we have been strengthening and all the stretches that my body is not used to doing as it hasn’t done in a long time. I am also going to use this day as a breathing day.

Breathing exercises are just important for a full body workout and are excellent for your core muscles. How to take the breath in, how to control the breath and where to hold the breath in the body is very important to know.

It is the best way to do your breathing exercises are in a quiet place with your eyes closed. This way you can fulling think and control the breath and the movement of the body. I like to do them sitting down as that is how I feel comfortable.

Breath in through the nose hold the breath in your lungs for about 3 seconds and let it out through the mouth. Try this a few time and see how you feel. Don’t forget to relax the face and body while you do this.


Time for a Challenge

My step one has been finding something that I feel may work for me. I have done diets in the past, joined gyms for a month and tried to do pay as you go yoga classes. My problem is that once i have a week off because of something I may have had to go to for my children or myself like a school dance or sports game then it throws me all off my grove.

This time around I have decided to try an at home app for some easy training. I am trying the 30 day fitness challenge. I started on the first of May and am now on day 3. It has been the perfect amount of exercise to start me off with. The 20 minute workout I have started is their Easy full body workout and I have also have also added in a couple of stretches at the beginning and end of each workout. It’s first couple of days it has been pretty good. Different strengthening technique along with a bit of cardio. I think I may want to move up the cardio part a bit but other than that It has been real good and my muscles have been feeling it the next day.

I will keep you updated on how it goes and what i find for uping my cardio.





Day 1

This week has been step one of my road to a healthy, happier life.

I am starting this blog as my push to get fit, get toned and most important to be happy!

I am not a heavy person and would defiantly put myself in the average body type. I am also not unhappy with the way I look i just would like to feel more comfortable in my own skin and not always look at it as the the ugly mom body.  As summer is just around the corner I would like to feel a little more comfortable wearing my shorts, t shirt and of course my swimsuit. I have noticed as I have gotten older I have done a lot more covering up than I used to. I guess that comes with age and maybe being a mom could have something to do with that too!

So here it goes. My time to change and be happy with me and how I am and am going to be. My goal I am looking to achieve, is to feel more active and get out a whole lot more. I want to spend time with my boys running around and playing. Taking them on adventures and not having to worry about getting tired doing it. Not that this have ever happened to me in the past but you never know, tomorrow could be that day where I just cant keep up with them and I really just don’t want that.

My other goal is to look for tasty recipes that are healthy for me and my family. They will have be fast one as my week day evening don’t have tons of time.

I would also love to hear from you. All you fitness freaks with amazing workout routines, you foodies with great cooking ideas and all you extremely happy people, please share as I would love to hear what works for all of you.

I want to end this with a great quote i read “The best project you will ever work on is You!”


